Team Effectiveness


A high performing team that is effective is a group of people who share a common vision, goals, metrics and who collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable to achieve outstanding results.

Q: What is the most talked about but least utilized resource in business?

A: The gifts, talents and resourcefulness of the employees.

“Teaming captures the activity of working together. Teaming blends relating to people, listening to other points of view, coordinating actions, and making shared decisions. Effective teaming requires everyone to remain vigilantly aware of other’s needs, roles and perspectives. Learning occurs when innovation is promoted, productive conflict can happen and accountability increases.”

Professor Amy C. Edmondson, Harvard Business School


Members of an Effective Team…

  • Have a clear vision of where they are headed and what they want to accomplish

  • Are excited about that vision because they took part in creating it

  • Act from clearly defined priorities

  • Have clear measures of success and receive feedback about how they’re doing

  • Maintain open communication and positive relationships with each other

  • Identify and solve problems

  • Make decisions when and where they occur and they know their respective decision rights

  • Successfully manage conflict

  • Share leadership responsibilities

  • Participate in productive meetings

  • Have clearly defined roles and work procedures

  • Cooperate cross-functionally

The Alchemy Approach

We use tools like team charters, interactive diagnostics, assessments and lean in to Harvard Business School Professor Amy C. Edmondson’s TEAMING principles that balance psychological safety (A belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. A shared sense of psychological safety is a critical input to an effective learning system) with accountability to create teams that can easily collaborate and learn from one another as they get work done.